Thursday, December 18, 2014

Meet a 2nd Grader: Cedric

Cedric was our Owl of the Week this week!

Cedric describes himself as cute! He wants stuffed animals from the Great Wolf Lodge. He dislikes bullies and he can't wait to have his birthday! He loves sharks, friends, dinosaurs, pizza, and video games

Cedric loves to learn and knows so much about so many things! He loves to help others in the room.

He brought in lots of pictures for us to see, a couple different books, and his favorite stuffed animal.

Thanks for being the Owl of the Week, Cedric!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Meet A 2nd Grader: CJ

CJ was our Owl of the Week this week!

CJ describes himself as cool. He wants games and doesn't like the dark! CJ can't wait to be very smart. He loves his mom and dad, his friends, and games.

CJ is always full of energy and loves to learn! He is so sweet and is so funny!

He brought in one of his motorcycle toys, a secret security camera, two of his favorite books, and lots of pictures of him as a baby!

Thanks for being the Owl of the Week, CJ!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


While going through some pictures and cleaning up my computer, I found our Thanksgiving pictures and realized I completely forgot to put them up for you to see! 

Before Thanksgiving break we made little turkeys to go with our drumstick poem! 

I am not a drumstick,
No not yet!
I need to eat more, 
So fat I'll get.
Corn is what I like,
And lots of grain! 
Sometimes I gobble,
Can you guess my name?

If you guessed my name
On your first try.
You know I have a problem,
I don't have to tell you why!
If you would be so kind,
I have one wish.
Help me out,
And eat some fish! 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Meet Jingle!

By now I'm sure you have all heard of Jingle, our classroom elf!

Here are a couple things that Jingle was up to last week! We had a couple rough days and she wasn't too happy. She left us a few notes that told us we were not doing our jobs! So this week we are really really working on being nice to each other (sometimes we fight like brothers and sisters) and following directions the first time. So hopefully Jingle sticks around until break!

 Jingle said we had some puzzling behaviors and found some of our puzzles in our cupboard. She said hopefully those get taken care of so we can learn!

 Jingle added her birthday to our birthday wall!

 Our friends in our library tied her up because they didn't want her to come back. We really fixed our behaviors after this one!

 She stole all our candy!

 She showed us the North Pole where she lives!
I can't wait to see what Jingle is up to this week!

Monday, November 24, 2014

How to Cook A Turkey!

This is my probably one of my favorite things to do with kids throughout the year! They meet with their reading groups and we have a conversation about how to cook a turkey. They are so serious and they always turn out so great! Here are our class recipes this year!

BIST rules

On this short week, we are spending some time going over our BIST Behavior plan and all of the rules associated with it. We reviewed our two bottom line rules:
  • It is never okay to be hurtful
  • It is never okay to be disruptive
Then we went over our Meadow Lane School rules:
  • Be Safe
  • Be Respectful
  • Be Responsible
We talked about examples of being safe, respectful, and responsible and also non-examples of these three things. The children thought about which one of these rules was the hardest for them, and then they went to a part of the room to represent their hardest rule. When paired with others who felt the same way about themselves, they took part in discussions about why this rule was the hardest for them to follow and examples of those things. One person from each group did an overview of what the group talked about in their discussion and now each child has a personal goal that they can work on based on which rule they decided was the hardest for them!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Chet Ager

Last week we had a blast at Chet Ager Nature Center! We learned all about life cycles, different animals and plants and we managed to stay warm enough in the freezing weather! We bundled up tight!