Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Happy 100th Day of School!!

Happy 100th Day of School!

We started the day off by some of the students that brought projects using 100 items sharing what they brought, how long it took them to make it, who helped them count it out, and how they decided what to use! We had some great projects!

We spent the morning creating our crowns to wear all day and using our counting mats to count out 100 fruit loops in groups of ten to make our necklaces!

As most things are as a teacher, it's a lot of trial and error! We found out that the glasses maybe were not the best project for us to make for the 100th Day of school! We spent quite a bit of time decorating them and making them exactly how we wanted them and then figured out that stapling them to make them fit our faces meant that they wouldn't fit over our ears! But they did have a ton of fun making them! :)

Ms. Schlegel bought an app for our room that turned the kids into 100 year olds. We had a blast showing them on the projector! The students laughed forever about each picture and were talking about it for the rest of the day!

We also had an amazing turn out of donations for our 100th day snack! The students were so excited all day seeing all of the snacks sitting out!

We used our counting mats for our snack too and the kids got to decide what they wanted to add to their own snack. They went to the different tables and counted out ten items and brought them back to their counting mat. This was probably their favorite thing of the whole day and they LOVED it!

Thank you so much for all of your help and participation! It really helps us out a lot and makes for such fun days in Kindergarten!

Parent Reader!

Jeter's Mom came in to read to us last Friday. It happened to be the Friday before Jeter's birthday so she read our class a few different books. They love it when we have visitors!

Thanks so much for coming!

(Remember you can always come read to our class if you are able to take off work or have time. You are always welcome in our classroom! )

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Meet A Kindergartener : Jeter

Jeter was our Owl of the Week last week and yesterday was also his birthday! Jeter wants his own room, wishes it was his birthday every day, and loves rocks, eggs, and his family!

Jeter brought lots of books for us to read in the classroom. He brought his rock collection to show us, a teddy bear with his name on it, and some of his favorite toys.

Thanks for being the Owl of the Week, Jeter and Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Meet A Kindergartener : Samy

Samy was our Owl of the Week a couple of weeks ago and for some reason her post didn't go through! I found it in one of my draft folders and had to do some searching to see what had happened! Sorry about that, Samy!

One word to descibe Samy is silly! Samy loves kittens, birthday presents, and the pumpkin patch! She can't wait for Valentine's Day! Samy brought a touch and feel book for us to read and a little dragon toy!

Thanks for being the Owl of the Week, Samy!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Meet A Kindergartener: Karma

Karma was our Owl of the Week last week! Karma wants a helicopter that spins around and can't wait to sit on Santa's and open presents! Karma likes Rapunzel, Fuzz and Zing, herself, and her Mom and Dad!

Karma brought us a lot of books to read as well as some of her favorite stuffed animals from home!

Thanks for being the Owl of the Week, Karma!

Winter Break

We have had such a fun few days in Kindergarten! Today we got to do so many different things including getting reindeer food, seeing Santa, watching The Polar Express, and going to the school wide Holiday Sing! We made lots of different winter crafts, read so many fun books, and learned about different holidays around the world.

Thank you all so much for all of the donations to our special projects, to our classroom and for raising such great kiddos! I love having them in my classroom every day!

I hope you all enjoy your last few days of this much needed break, and come back in ready for 2nd semester! I can't even believe we have been in school for this long already! It is flying by!