Monday, September 28, 2015

Owl of the Week: Sophie

Sophie was our Owl of the Week last week! Sophie is 7 years old and her favorite color is purple. She loves dogs and pizza and her favorite thing to do at home is to play teacher! Sophie loves Halloween!

Sophie brought her bear Cutie Pie that she built at Build A Bear and a couple good books for us to read in class!

Thanks for being the Owl of the Week, Sophie!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Owl of the Week: Ms. Schlegel

In our classroom we have an Owl of the Week! When you are the Owl of the Week, you can bring in different pictures, toys, books, etc to share with the class so we all can get to know our class better and parents are able to learn each student as well!

Owl of the Week is one of my favorite things about school because kids are so proud when they get to share about themselves and we love to learn!

Your Owl of the Week last week was: Ms. Schlegel!

Ms. Schlegel is 25 years old and loves the color yellow! She lives with her fiance Adam, puppies Wrigley and Sofie and cat Perry. She just bought a house and is getting married in June. Ms. Schlegel brought lots of pictures of her family and pets. She also brought two of her favorite books. The mermaid one was given to her on her 4th birthday and is personalized with her and her cousins names. It's cool to read about yourself in a book! The Bubble Bugg one is two stories in one and was given to her by her Great Grandma.

Ms. Schlegel has two sisters and 1 brother. She has three nieces, two nephews, and a new niece or nephew due in 3 weeks! She loves photography and has her own business doing pictures for families, couples, weddings, babies, and seniors.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A couple things...

A couple things...

- PICTURE DAY is tomorrow! You are able to place your order online or send in the order form by tomorrow morning. We will be taking pictures at 10am

- LIBRARY DAY is also tomorrow. Please remember to bring your books back so you can get some new ones!

- The way our curriculum works is that we teach for 5 weeks and take weekly comprehension tests. The 6th week is our assessment week and we take a booklet test over all of the things we have learned the past 5 weeks for Unit 1. This assessment week is NEXT WEEK! That means we will not have spelling this week, so they will not be bringing home a spelling list to practice.

- In two weeks, spelling will continue as normal! Words will be counted wrong starting in Unit 2 when we see reversals or capital letters where they do not need to be capital. This will be very difficult for some of our students so while you are practicing spelling words please give reminders on this!

- Our math test is also tomorrow! We don't have homework on math test days so there will be no homework tomorrow!

- Positive Pennies is also going on right now and we are raising money for Matt Talbot Kitchen, so you can send your spare change to school if you want to participate!

LOTS of updates right now. If there are any questions at all, please let me know and I will be glad to give you more information!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Butterflies have hatched!

We've been patiently watching our chrysalis to watch when they turn into butterflies! We got to let them go! Unfortunately, it was so windy this year that when Ms. Schlegel got them out, the wind just took them right away instead of letting them hang out on our fingers like they usually do!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


A couple weeks ago our caterpillars turned into chrysalis. It was super fun to watch them wiggle all over and shed their skin which we know is called - molting! We pinned them up in our butterfly pavilion to watch them grow into butterflies!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

100 Club!

These kids are the winners of eating lunch in the classroom for the month of August! We had so many students doing amazing things and earning 100 points that we had to decide we were only going to do it once a month for all winners at the same time! More fun that way anyway :)

If your child gets to 100 points, make sure you congratulate them! The last school day of September will be our lunch in the classroom day for all students making it to 100 points during the month of September!