Friday, October 31, 2014

Meet A Second Grader: Thea

Thea was our Owl of the Week this week!

Thea describes herself as happy! She can't wait to go trick or treating and if she could have one wish it would be to get a rabbit! That likes all bugs except spiders. She wants stuffed animals!

Thea is such a big help in our room and is always taking care of her friends!

She brought Amelia Bedelia and Junie B. Jones 1st Grade Toothless Wonder to share with us! She also brought a doll that she got when she was in Jamaica.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Meet A 2nd Grader: Trey

Trey was our Owl of the Week this week!

Trey describes himself as outgoing!  He wants legos and can't wait to go to lego land. He likes pizza, football, and soccer. If he had one wish it would be to have more legos! I think Trey is a big fan of Legos!

Trey loves to talk to all of his friends in the room. He loves to help and take care of others, too! 

Trey brought in his Lego Ninjago piece that he said took over an hour to build, a Goosebumps book that he is working his way through, and a book about Dragons. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Tomorrow is another Spirit Day!

Wear Meadow Lane colors to school tomorrow! A Meadow Lane shirt would be great but any sort of blue and yellow will work awesome!

We are taking our picture in front of our drug free banner tomorrow so we want as many of our class as possible to be wearing our school colors!

Next week there will be another reminder of what color to wear every day!

Meanwhile, in class, we have been working on our drug free packet and today was create your own drug free song! We have some musicians in here because they are wonderful! Stay tuned to see some great songs in the making! :)

Monday, October 20, 2014

Meet A 2nd Grader: Zach

Zach was our Owl of the Week last week! 

Zach describes himself as nice. He wants pizza and dislikes bees! He can't wait to go to the jungle and loves video games, Optimus Prime, legos, and trucks. If he could have one wish it would be to see dinosaurs! 

Zach is so silly and loves to make his friends laugh. He is so friendly to everyone in our room all the time.

Zach brought in a dinosaur book to share with us and a really cool spaceship (?) I'm sure your child will tell you that Ms. Schlegel is probably wrong at calling it a spaceship but I can't quite remember what Zach called it! But it was a huge hit with our classroom!

Thanks for being the Owl of the Week, Zach!

Pumpkin Painting!

For Kaylee's birthday, she brought us mini pumpkins to paint for Fall. We had a ton of fun and they turned out cute! It wasn't messy AT ALL! :)

Thanks, Kaylee for sharing pumpkins with us and helping us decorate our room!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Silly Sock Day!

Friday, October 3rd is Silly Sock Day at Meadow Lane! Remember to wear your silly socks to school tomorrow!

The next spirit days are as follows:

Friday, Oct. 3rd is a spirit day and it is “silly socks” day – please encourage students to wear funky socks so we can “sock it to drugs”

Friday, Oct. 17th is “inside out day” – please encourage students to wear their clothes inside out and tell them to not let drugs or bullies turn you inside out.

Fri., Oct. 24th – wear Meadow Lane colors because we are proud to be drug free

The week of Oct. 27th – 31st
Mon. – Oct. 27th – wear red – to be bold and say NO to drugs
Tues. – Oct. 28th – wear purple - to remember the pledge we say everyday on making good choices
Wed. – Oct. 29th – wear green – to help us grow up healthy and strong
Thurs. – Oct. 30th – wear yellow – to see the light that comes from making good choices
Fri. – Oct. 31st – wear Meadow Lane colors because we will stand together as a school and say NO to drugs

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Meet A 2nd Grader: Brycen

Brycen was our Owl of the Week this week!

Brycen describes himself as nice. He wants a lego and he can't wait to go back to Branson! He loves his Mom and anything that deals with legos!

Brycen is a great helper in our room and is always taking care of others. He works hard every single day!

Brycen brought The Great Fuzz Frenzy for us to read and we can't wait to hear what it's about! He is also working on Diary of a Wimpy Kid Cabin Fever book that he borrowed from his brother. He brought one of his favorite lego guys on a motorcycle.

Thanks for being the Owl of the Week, Brycen!

Conference Dates

Hi there!

Parent Teacher Conferences are next Tuesday, October 7th and next Thursday, October 9th. Last week a goldenrod colored half sheet was sent home confirming your conference. If you could send those back signed letting us know that you will be able to make that time, that would be great! If there is a problem with your time, let me know and we can switch it to something that works for you!

I'm excited to see all of you and tell you about all of your wonderful kiddos!